funny quiz questions & answers.Part I

 funny quiz questions & answers.Part I

Children learn faster through fun-based activities. Funny quiz question & answers without a doubt will motivate children to learn. If you   a parent searching for an amusing method to combine fun and education for children, the best thing to do is, pick these random trivia, general knowledge (gk), trick and funny quiz questions & answers. This will help parents spend quality time with children.

1.    I am a fruit. My color when ripe is my name. What am I?

2.    I am a word with all the vowels. I am one of the basic rights of a child. What am I?

3.    I have a bird name, but not a bird. I can lift tonnes of weight. What am I?

4.    I have head and tail, but no body. What am I?

5.    What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one thousand years?

6.    What happens if you throw a Blue stone into Red Sea?

7.    I go around the world, but always stays in a corner. What am I?

8.    I am a Lake, but people call me sea. I am saltier than sea. What am I?

9.    I am orange in color. But I have another color in my name. People search me after a plane crash. What am I?

10.                       When I was 2 years, my brother was half of my age. What is my brothers age when I am 100?

For the Answers, see the video below





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