Plant that look like a stone!
Lithops – The Living Stone
Lithops are called ‘The Living Stones’ as they look just like stones. This camouflage of Lithops is a way of protecting themselves from grazing animals.
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They are native to South Africa. Lithops live most of their lives almost completely buried under soil, with only their truncated faces visible. They rarely grow more than 2.5 cm in height.
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The leaf has translucent surface and the leaf window is patterned in different shades of brown, grey, or cream, according to the species and local conditions. The Window between the leaves of Lithops allows light to travel to the center of the leaves and aids in photosynthesis.
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The flowers of Lithops are yellow, orange or white with a daisy like appearance. Flower in these plants comes out from the narrow slit between leaves. Individual Lithops plants have only one flower per leaf pair.
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Growing them in home is easy as they thrive with little water and low humidity. These succulent plants are sold in nurseries.