Poisonous bird- Hooded pitohui the only known bird to be toxic,
Poisonous birds! Yes, they exist. Hooded pitohui the only known bird to be toxic, Picture courtesy Google images There are many poisonous insects and reptiles all over the world. But have you ever heard of a bird that can be poisonous? If you ever visit the forests of New Guinea, and you come upon a beautiful orange and black hooded pitohui bird, just enjoy its singing from a distance. Do not attempt to handle it. This bird is better off in the bush than in the hand The Hooded Pitohui (pronounced pit-o-hooey) is a songbird found in the rain forests of New Guinea, an island which lies in the South Pacific Ocean to the east of Indonesia. There are around six species of Pitohui of which the Hooded Pitohui is the most deadly. Declared to be the ‘Most Poisonous Bird’ by the Guinness Book of World Records, it was discovered in 1989 by an American biologist Jack Dumbacher who was netting birds in New Guinea. In 1989, Jack Dumbacher travelled to the Papua New Guinea bush in search of birds...
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